I wonder why I have not update blog for so long?

Sorry about the delay, but I have to give you the day in the life of the Ranchers Wife!  
4:00 am - Move 4-H Bee Hive to new location so can fence old location for 4-H sheep project
7:00 am - On phone trying to rechedule the rest of week between appointments and girls projects, realize need to get sheep fence moved or they will starve if leave another day.
9:00 am - finally outside moving fence, thinking about all the things on the list that need to be done in and out of the house and where to find the time.
10:00 am - Oldest child comes back from feeeding show heifers to inform me that she brought in her little sisters horse because he can't see out of one eye.  Called Vet clinic, said to bring him in today and would try to get him looked at between a very full schedule of appointments.  Can't go yet still have that fence to move and  sheep now all over the place beause it's half way up.
11:00 am - Youngest calls from Camp in Custer, says her ride is leaving now will meet us in Spearfish, need to pick her  up. (Great, juggling act!!)
11:30am - Rush to finish the fence, gather the flock, hook the trailer, load the blind horse, round up the oldest child and hurry to town to get youngest child. 
1:30 pm - finally made it to the Vet clinic, now we sit and wait and wait and wait. Cell phone service having issues, can call in to my phone just can't call out, so much for trying to get some business done on the phone.
3:00 pm.  woo hoo, vet free, great we can get some salve and go home....... nope.....Eye is bad 2 hours later, horse has a cathater and IV  to admister drugs to eye and I have a bag of medicine to give every waking hour for the next week!!!!   Husband calls, needs someone to bring his pick up home 9 miles in the opposite direction of home and follow him in the swather...
6:30pm - finally made it home, in time to unload blind horse, administer medicine, feed show heifers, bulls and finish taking care of the sheep.
7:45 pm -  hummmm, what for supper, I know I'll nuke something quick!  Microwave decides to die..........
8:30pm - Finally dinner is served, just in time to go back to the barn to treat the horse..
9:45pm - trying really hard to unwind, so I can focus on computer project been putting off that now is past due.
11:55pm - still at it, bound and determined to get to bed before midnight, need to be up early to feed and doctor a horse before running back to town for oldest childs golf practice and doctor appointments....