Today's project : Remove a huge grain bin before it blew awa with the wind.  It had serious wind damage on the side you cannot see in the picture.   Brent came up with a plan, Taylor and I thought he should seek professional help.  Taylor and I became the professional help!  Not exactly what we had in mind. I was impressed, I've never taken down a grain bin, but this one came apart fairly easy.  We were hoping to salvage good quality tin but some of it got squashed in the move.  Well, you can't have it all.   For you  boot camp junkies -  we filled 6 bobcat bucket loads of wheat seed from the base of the bin that was still in there 1 scoop schovel at a time.  350lbs scooped  by hand x 6 loads = 2100 lbs (1.05 tons) \ 2 people (taylor and me) = 1050 lbs -  more than yesterdays mineral adventure!  

The photographer (Carlee) left with the camera before we started cutting it up.